Mercury Retrograde Kit | Da Lua Oficial
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Mercury Retrograde Kit


We know that during this period, everything seems more nebulous, but it's just an invitation for you to review some aspects of your life.
This crystal-clear KIT has been specially chosen to help you get through this phase as smoothly as possible.


Blue Lace Agate
Blue lacy Agate is a wonderful healing stone. Its gentle energy relaxes and soothes promoting peace of mind. This stone anchors the energy of tranquility so that communication flows smoothly, in a relaxed and conflict-free way, showing that it is possible to deal with situations that are out of the ordinary. Unblocks the throat chakra, aids in verbal expression and combats mental stress. It neutralizes anger, reduces inflammation and helps with fever as well.


marine water


As a talisman, the aquamarine crystal is used to ensure health, prevent fear, strengthen courage and also to have a more alert mind.


Physically acts on the throat and heart chakras, opening flow between the heart and the throat energy centers, unlocks the channel for clear and sincere communication, minimizing misunderstandings in relationships.


In its tradition, the crystal is the mermaid's treasure, it was used by sailors as an amulet to give luck and protection on their long journeys.


Blocks geopathic stress and absorbs the emanations of electromagnetic fields from electronic devices.
This stone filters all information that passes through the brain and combines with intuition.
It helps to see both sides of a situation and different points of view.

Note: Crystals can vary in color and size, as they are natural stones.

Mercury Retrograde Kit

  • This Kit contains:

    • Crystals activated at Theta frequency
    • 1  Emerald
    • 1 Marine Water
    • 1 Blue Lace Agate
    • 1 Amazonite
    • Palo Santo (natural incense) to energize the crystals
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