Da Lua Crystal Candle - Rose Quartz | Da Lua Oficial
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Crystal candle

Love spell

The perfect candle to balance emotions, attract all kinds of love and foster confidence.
Ideal for a self-care ritual.


The Love Spell candle can be used to bring unconditional loving energy in all ways to your life.
When you focus your thought and intention through this candle, it draws that energy into you.


They contain rose quartz crystals that help open the heart chakra and connect you to the feminine lunar energy.

Each candle is made specifically for you, so the color and size of the crystals may vary due to the nature of the stones and genuine crystals.


Da Lua Crystal Candle - Rose Quartz

    • Feita e derramada à mão com cera de coco e pavio de madeira ecológica
    • 100% artesanal com queima limpa
    • A vela vem em um frasco de vidro reutilizável com toques de ervas aromáticas de camomila, flores desidratadas, óleos naturais e essências de Ylang Ylang e Patchouli
    • Cristais de Quartzo Rosa
    • 230 g
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